Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tripod table update

The tripod table has been moving along.  I wanted to post a few pictures of the cravings I did on the rails.

This is one of the bottom rails.  They connect the legs near the bottom.
This is one of the top rails.  They connect the legs right under the table.

This is all of the finished rails.

Here's the table all glued up and just waiting for the top.  At this point I took it out to the table saw, set the blade angle with the angle block and trimmed the top and bottom of the legs flush.  It was a little scary to run a basically finished project over the table saw, but it worked out.
So, Friday at the end of the day I took the face plate off of the top so I could attach it to the table and it cupped pretty badly. :(  I am going to have to talk to my instructors on Monday to see if it is salvageable.  I am really hoping to not have to make a new top.

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